Saturday 22 September 2012

Birthday goodies and some new found inspiration...

Ok, as always, I seem to go on some major blog hiatus and then, out of nowhere, I find reason to be inspired! This poor bloggy I started when I was so inspired has been a bit neglected, as has my other blog, Beaton Branson, but, what can I say? Work, life, baby... More often than I like, my inspiration seems gets blown away just as quickly as it sweeps upon me.

Well, one good thing that I find rather exciting, but also very frightening is... I quit my job of five years! Do I have a job to replace the one I gave up? No. Am I looking? Yes! But, until I do find a new job, what better way to spend my nights than to get reacquainted with a little motorized box with a fast running needle?

My sweet husband got me all sew ready for my new year of life, yahoo! My birthday was coming up and I had been wanting a new machine for ages and saw this one that I thought was an alright price for the 4 out 5 star reviews that I read. To my surprise, the hubs got it for me and also provided me with two new sewing books I always wanted, but never bought myself! :o) Along with my new machine, my sister also got me some super cute vintage sewing patterns for babies / toddlers!

So, in my title it says birthday goodies and new found inspiration. Well, one half of inspiration is all my new gear, the second half of inspiration is much better than a machine, books and old pattern tissue... it came along before my new gear, its my munchkin! :D Yes, in this last hiatus of sheer wackiness, my Cutie and I took on the amazing adventure of becoming parents! Yeah, yeah, people have babies all the time, is it really "amazing"??? The answer is YES! When it's YOUR little piece of amazing! :D Since I no longer have a job... I will attempt to sew some cute baby clothes. There were just WAY to many cute old kiddie patterns online not to be inspired with a little rug rat shuffling all over! Who will be my model??? Well my munchkin of course, duh! ;o) Who I also want to mention turned six months today! :0) YOWZA! Half a year really flies when your you're busy with a munchkin and have no clue what you're doing, hehe. Thank goodness, Baby Hazy, Cutie and I have all learned from eachother and life is getting a little easier everyday. Still crazy, but at least we all now have a bit of a clue. Happy six months Munchkin, you've completely inspired me to open a new Etsy shop... Baby Beaton! :0)

I am the first to admit that I'm absolutely horrible at sewing, so I really want to take my time and just work little by little every night. Munchkin doesn't really allow me to do much during the day, but usually by 8pm, she's asleep and I'm free for two hours before I go to bed. These two hours I plan to work on some skirts & dresses for myself and some cute fun baby clothes and dolls. I mean, it would be kind of nice to actually have some stuff up for sale in Baby Beaton, right? :0)

Well here are some piccies of my new sewing gear and of course, introducing to you, my six month Munchkin who I adore, Baby Hazel!

have you found any new inspiration? any new mommies out there that can give me some advise on how to do it all? :o)

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