Sunday, 5 December 2010

first quick skirt...

ok- so here we are- the first pattern of December! :) just a quick little side note, i actually ended up buying on of those adjustable size mannequins- it was black Friday and it was on sale half price! so this is my first little test on this new little manni.

i draped it up and quickly started drawing up the pattern. after a bit of pencil scratching, fiddling with the ruler and tape- i was finished! :) i basically just copied the drape onto the paper. time to snippy-snip the pattern out! :)

 at left- i tried modeling this with the paper pattern, but it just doesn't quite work out too well with paper... :)

above- time to snip out fabric and hit the sewing machine!
ehm- ok, just to let you guys know- there was a bit of a snafu in the pattern making. i have forgotten the simple rules of draping 101. i didn't quite mark the drape with nothces! and after drawing up the pattern and i didn't bother measuring the pattern pieces together and notching that up either... oopsies! so after sewing, it up, i had to cut the side seams so they were even... hehehe.

TA-DA! here it is! so it DID make the skirt a little shorter than i originally wanted, but eh! that's ok. live and learn, right? :) here is also a close up of the fabric, it's a reprint of a vintage print. :) i originally wanted to make this dress with a zipper but since i was in a bit of a rush, i went ahead and finsihed it off with an elastic waist band- it will do. :)

Friday, 3 December 2010

Welcome to my bloggy!

hi! welcome to my new sewing and crafty blog! this blog will be solely to track my progress on pattern making, grading and of course- last but definitely not least- making myself cute fabulous frocks to wear! :) i'm so tired of draping dresses on my manniquin (not my size manniquin) and then not being able to wear them properly- what fun is making clothes if you can't wear them!!!  so i think it's important for myself to know how to grade patterns- cos not all people fit a one sized manniquin or even ready made patterns. :OP

so after literally YEARS of cursing my lack of skill- i thought it was about time that i dust off my old pattern and sewing books that i got while in college and take the time to work on patterns and grading. my goal will be to make at least 1 pattern a week. these are the book s i'm planning on using. i got all of them- except the grading book from my college days... those were some crazy, silly, fun filled days indeed. :)

lately i've been falling in love with styles from the 40'sand 50's, perhaps its all the old movies i end up watching with my husband for his blog research- it's all rubbed off a bit on me i suppose. i also have accquired a massive fabric stash (i.e. a full ikea box cubby shelf at my house AND bins upon bins of fabric in my mothers basement- yikes!). i end up snagging all this great fabric and then end up never making anything! so, in december- learning patterns and sewing will mark the start of my journey and hopefully a fabulous start to a closet full of homemade dresses for 2011! i'm excited! :)